What We Believe

A short brief about the church believes will be inserted here and a picture showing the members in a worship session will be used as background

Articles of Faith

Baptist’s articles of faith will be listed here

Continuation of Baptist’s articles of faith will be listed here

Church Covenant

Baptist’s church covenant will be listed here

Baptist’s church covenant will be listed here

Church Ordinance

Baptist’s church ordinance will be listed here

Baptist’s church ordinance will be listed here

What Members Are Saying

A testimonial of a member will be inserted here. The content should reveal what the Lord has done in the life of the member through FBC family. This is to encourage others to join the church.
Firstname Lastname
Ceo & Founder Business Name
A testimonial of a member will be inserted here. The content should reveal what the Lord has done in the life of the member through FBC family. This is to encourage others to join the church.
Firstname Lastname
Ceo & Founder Business Name